
National projects

The ONDRP collaborates with operational services, notably from the ministries of Interior and Justice, in order to collect data on crime and criminal justice. This notably allows to create detailed databases and to analyse issues that could not be studied otherwise.


The ONDRP collaborates with several police and gendarmerie services in order to study cybercrime. This phenomenon includes a large diversity of offences and involves various stakeholders, which makes data comparison challenging.

The first part of this project is conducted with the Direction régionale de la police judiciaire (DRPJ) of the Préfecture de police. The aim is to analyse different forms of cybercrime, based on data collected in three police departments: 

The second part of this project is conducted with the Centre de lutte contre les criminalités numériques (C3N) du Pôle judiciaire de la gendarmerie nationale (PJGN). The aim is to analyse specifically online sexual offences against children.


The 35th measure of the national plan for the prevention of radicalisation "Prevent To Protect" allows researchers to access specific data from the Fichier de traitement des signalements pour la prévention de la radicalisation à caractère terroriste (FSPRT).

The INHESJ and the ONDRP were solicited to conduct this project. Since an agreement was signed between the INHESJ and the Unité de coordination de la lutte anti-terroriste (UCLAT) in July 2019, three members of the ONDRP have been analysing the data.  

International projects

The ONDRP has strengthened its role in criminological research at the international level. The Observatory participates in European and international research projects, in collaboration with foreign organisms and universities. This allows to analyse crime, criminal justice, and safety issues from a global perspective.

Transit Safety Among College Students

Coordinated at the international level by the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and the University of California, Los Angeles (United States), this project aims to analyse sexual harassment and assaults students are victims of in public transport, as well as their perceptions, reactions and suggestions regarding safety in this environment.

European Homicide Monitor

Coordinated at the European level by the Leiden University (the Netherlands), the National Council for Crime Prevention (Sweden), and the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy (Finland), this projects aims to construct a comparable data format to analyse and compare homicide patterns.   

Achieved projects

Margin: Tackle Insecurity in Marginalised Areas

Coordinated at the European level by the University of Barcelona (Catalonia), this project aimed to analyse perceptions of insecurity across Europe, at the individual and neighbourhood level, using quantitative and qualitative methods. 


World Homicide Survey

Coordinated at the international level by the International Centre for Comparative Criminology (Canada), this projected aimed to collect new data on violence and analyse the predictors of homicide in different world regions.