The National Observatory of Crime and Criminal Justice (ONDRP), created in 2003, aims to produce, collect and disseminate data on crime, criminal justice, and safety issues.
The ONDRP analyses and disseminates data on crime recorded by police and gendarmerie services. In cooperation with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) and the Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), the ONDRP designs and exploits the national victimisation survey "Living environment and security". The ONDRP also analyses and disseminates data from the ministry of Justice since 2010.
The ONDRP is composed of 9 members directed by Christophe Soullez and his deputy Aurélien Langlade.
The independence of the ONDRP is guaranteed by an Advisory Board (COR), which defines its work programme and oversees its studies.
The ONDRP is currently involved in several projects at different levels. At the local, regional, and national levels, the ONDRP collaborates with operational services, notably from the ministries of Interior and Justice, in order to collect data on crime and criminal justice. This allows to create detailed databases and to analyse issues that could not be studied otherwise.
At the European and international levels, the ONDRP has strengthened its role in criminological research and participates in projects coordinated by foreign organisms and universities. This allows to analyse crime and criminal justice from a global perspective.
The ONDRP publishes short and longer studies, as well as its annual report exploiting the national victimisation survey "Living Environment and Security". All studies are published in French and some of them are translated in English.
The ONDRP also aims to compare collected data and criminological theories, notably those developed in France and English-speaking countries, in order to provide a better understanding of crime, criminal justice and safety issues. This may lead to publications in books and peer-reviewed journals.